Property(S): Ja_Computer_jetzt_neu_starten. Property(S): IS_SQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION = 0 Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_UPDATE_FILE = Updating XML file %s. Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_ROLLBACK_FILES = Rolling back XML file changes. Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_REMOVE_FILE = Removing XML file %s. Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_FILES = Performing XML file changes. Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_CREATE_FILE = Creating XML file %s. Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_COSTING = Costing XML files. Property(S): IS_COMPLUS_PROGRESSTEXT_UNINSTALL = Uninstalling COM+ application: Property(S): IS_COMPLUS_PROGRESSTEXT_INSTALL = Installing COM+ application: Property(S): IS_COMPLUS_PROGRESSTEXT_COST = Costing COM+ application: If available, please install the latest version of ISScript.msi, or contact your support personnel for further assistance. Property(S): ISSCRIPT_VERSION_OLD = The InstallScript engine on this machine is older than the version required to run this setup. If available, please run ISScript.msi, or contact your support personnel for further assistance.

Property(S): ISSCRIPT_VERSION_MISSING = The InstallScript engine is missing from this machine. Property(S): ISSCRIPT_ENGINE_VERSION = 11.4 Property(S): ARPPRODUCTICON = ARPPRODUCTICON.exe Property(S): ARPCOMMENTS = Copyright © 2006 Microsoft Corporation I have tried all listed things in knowledge base. It errored when I started it saying that it was not fully installed.

The system crashed, but can up fine except for FSX.

The next day, while FSX was running, I switched to the desktop. When I purchase the software on the 17th it installed no trouble, with Nero installed. I am trying that now, but let me give you a little trouble background. Nero or Roxio, they are the main burner softwares that come with it when you get the computer or a new burner.